NEaT is now a partner of the UK Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, alongside many of our other peer and sibling organisations, as you can see on the CIEP website. Some NEaT members have been CIEP members for many years, and you may know it by its old name, the Society for Editors and …
Tag Archives: cooperation
Open to cooperation
Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT) aims to become a great source of support and networking for language professionals in the Nordic countries. One of our first steps in this effort has been to reach out to our colleagues to let them know about our group. We work in close cooperation with the Finnish-British Society and with Finland’s …
Annual Review 2015: Getting to know each other and expanding
The year 2015 was the second official year of operation for NEaT. It was a year of getting to know each other and developing the organization into something that will last. We had a record number of nine social meetups and parties – and four of these were simply meetups to get to know each …
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English Today II
English Today: The Successful Language Professional Nordic Editors and Translators and the Finnbrit Society are pleased to present the second annual English Today seminar on March 11 from 3 to 7 pm. This year’s English Today is all about helping the language professional succeed. The main part of the programme is an intensive seminar on …