Friday 21 April 2023 at 16.45 University of Helsinki, Room 203, Fabianinkatu 26, Helsinki, Finland The agenda, as laid out in our constitution, is as follows. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall consider the following business: 13a) Amend the wording of the English translation of the NEaT constitution to replace (Vice-)Chairman and …
Tag Archives: AGM
Annual General Meeting 2020
The Annual General Meeting of Nordic Editors and Translators ry (NEaT) will be held on Tuesday 21 April 2020 from 17:00 to 18:30 EEST online using Zoom. To join the meeting on that date and time, you willl need the login and password, which will we will email to all members. If you have not …
NEaT’s Annual General Meeting will be on April 16 at 5 pm at Cafe Roasberg, Mikonkatu 13, Helsinki. The agenda, as laid out in our constitution, is as follows: The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall consider the following business: 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Election of a chairman, a secretary, two individuals to …
Annual Review 2015: Getting to know each other and expanding
The year 2015 was the second official year of operation for NEaT. It was a year of getting to know each other and developing the organization into something that will last. We had a record number of nine social meetups and parties – and four of these were simply meetups to get to know each …
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