Making a Living out of Language: Translating and Editing in the 2020s University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Date to be announced Join members of NEaT, the pan-Nordic association of editors and translators, to learn about and discuss how professionals make a living out of their language skills in the modern business landscape. We will hear …

English Today V: “Doing Language”

So what is it exactly that language professionals do all day? This year’s English Today takes a deeper look into the many considerations editors and translators working in and out of English have to keep in mind as they go about their work. Our keynote speaker this year is the award-winning translator of English into …

Christmas party 2017

The fourth annual NEaT Christmas party was held on December 5 starting at 5 pm at PAM’s premises in Hakaniemi, Helsinki. The party was free for paid members of NEaT and five euros for non-members. This year, the focus was on the British and Irish, with a programme and food focused on Britain and Ireland. NEaT provided the food …

Annual Review 2015: Getting to know each other and expanding

The year 2015 was the second official year of operation for NEaT. It was a year of getting to know each other and developing the organization into something that will last. We had a record number of nine social meetups and parties – and four of these were simply meetups to get to know each …