Christmas party 2017

Photo: Albion Butters

The fourth annual NEaT Christmas party was held on December 5 starting at 5 pm at PAM’s premises in Hakaniemi, Helsinki. The party was free for paid members of NEaT and five euros for non-members. This year, the focus was on the British and Irish, with a programme and food focused on Britain and Ireland. NEaT provided the food and a welcome drink. We celebrated NEaT’s third year in operation and Finland’s 100th year among about 20 colleagues.

The “pikkujoulu” party was again a wonderful time to break bread (or, in this case, sausage rolls) and lift a glass, celebrating Suomi 100. We pulled party poppers and decoded Scottish poetry (actually Robert Burns’s “Tam o’ Shanter”) and wrote creative sentences using period vocabulary (see Merriam-Webster’s Time Traveler) and wore paper crowns. Thanks to all who attended and made it so much fun, especially to the Brits who put on the spread!

Published by Virvey

Writer, editor and translator in Finnish and English

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