The year 2015 was the second official year of operation for NEaT. It was a year of getting to know each other and developing the organization into something that will last.

We had a record number of nine social meetups and parties – and four of these were simply meetups to get to know each other and socialize. The first annual general meeting was strongly attended, and the NEaT board produced a membership process, a conduct policy, and a complaint investigation procedure to enter into our records. Our constitution was translated into English. The media committee expanded, and our social media presence exploded. NEaT members now receive a newsletter that keeps them updated on events and information about partner organizations.

NEaT also produced two seminars, a long half-day seminar series, and a panel discussion. We became a member organization of Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) and produced seminars with KAJ and the Finnbrit Society. Our organization was officially presented by members to international communicators at ProCom, to university language centres, at the International Translators’ Day in Turku, and at the Mediterranean Editors and Translators meeting in 2016 (METM16).

Evidently, this method of operation was a success, and we gained approximately 20 new members in 2015. We hope to continue to expand in 2016!

Julie Uusinarkaus
NEaT Chair

Published by Virvey

Writer, editor and translator in Finnish and English

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