Tuesday, 21 March at 17.00-19.00 at the University of Helsinki, Kielikeskus, room 205, Fabianinkatu 26, Helsinki
How can we navigate gendered language while translating? How can we edit a text to make it more gender-inclusive? Come find out about the theory and practice of gender in language with us!
Translator Anna Merikallio and editor Meri Lindeman will facilitate an evening of translating and editing gender.
The evening will begin with two 15-minute presentations, where Merikallio and Lindeman discuss their doctoral theses. There will be 10 minutes dedicated to questions after each presentation.
After a short break, Merikallio and Lindeman will facilitate a translation and editing workshop on the topic of gender and inclusion. There will be one translation exercise from Finnish into English and one editing exercise in English. Bring your own laptops!
Anna Merikallio is a professional translator and editor at their own one-person business Kielenkutoja and a doctoral researcher at the University of Turku. Their doctoral thesis discusses the Finnish translations of imaginative gender representations in Ursula K. Le Guin’s science fiction.
Meri Lindeman is a doctoral researcher at the University of Turku. Their research explores folk linguistic perceptions of Finnish spoken by gay men and genderfluid people. Lindeman is also one of the editors of “Kieli, hyvinvointi ja haavoittuvaisuus: Kohti kielellistä osallisuutta” (Gaudeamus 2023), an edited volume on language, wellbeing, vulnerability, and participation.”
The workshop is open to NEaT members and translators and editors at the University of Helsinki Language Services.
Register at info@nordicedit.fi