On 15 March 2014, a few editors and translators met in the back room of Leijuva Lahna to hammer out the foundations of a new organization. On the day NEaT turns ten, we return to the pub where it all began.
- Place: Eerikinkatu 14, Helsinki, in the back room
- Time: 5 pm EET for the AGM, 6 pm for the quiz
First, we will hold our annual AGM, which will start at 5 pm EET. The agenda for this is below. If you cannot come in person, you can join us on Zoom here. Note that we will be voting on updated wording on our website and in our constitution, and a new membership category. Note also the proposed increase in the membership fee.
Then, we’ll recreate the pub quiz from our first AGM and toast ten NEaT years together.
Nordic Editors and Translators Annual General Meeting 2024
Friday, 15 March 2024 at 17:00 EET
Leijuva Lahna, Eerikinkatu 14, Helsinki Finland and on Zoom (members will receive the Zoom link)
The agenda, as laid out in our constitution, is as follows.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall consider the following business:
- Opening of the meeting.
- Election of a chairperson, a secretary, two individuals to scrutinise the minutes. and two individuals to count the votes at the meeting where necessary.
- Verification that the meeting is lawful.
- Approval of the agenda for the meeting.
- Presentation of the financial statements and the annual report by the treasurer.
- Decision to confirm the financial statements and discharge the Board and other accountable persons from liability, subject to the auditor’s report.
- Presentation of the activities in 2023 and the operating plan for 2024 by the Chair of NEaT. The treasurer will comment on the budget for 2024.
- Confirmation of the operating plan and the budget.
- Confirmation of the membership subscription. It is proposed that the membership subscription be increased to 40 euros.
- Reports on events, education, cooperation and communications by the chairs of the respective committees.
- Election of the Chair and other members and deputy members of the Board for the following year.
- Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor. The board proposes Tomi Snellman as the auditor for 2023, with Matthew Paines as deputy auditor.
- Consideration of any other business specified in the invitation to the meeting.
- To introduce a new membership category, trial membership (koejäsen in Finnish, compare the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters membership category https://www.sktl.fi/liitto/sktl-n-hallinto/rules-saannot-englanniksi/) as follows with a proposed lower fee for 2024 of 25 euros.
Trial membership of NEaT includes:
- A lower fee
- Access to the NEaT mentoring programme
- Access to resources, events and training
- The newsletter and social media groups (Facebook, LinkedIn)
- But does not include access to the google group list where jobs are posted
Active trial members (participate in at least one event per year, online or in person) may renew membership for up to 3 years, after which they can apply to be full members.
- To add “into or out of English as one of their working languages” to the description What is NEaT? on the NEaT website. This is to emphasize that NEaT is open to all language professionals who work with English, not only those whose primary working language is English.
Current wording:
Nordic Editors and Translators is an organization of editors, translators and language professionals who work in English as their primary language.
New wording:
Nordic Editors and Translators is an organization of editors, translators and language professionals who work into or out of English as one of their working languages.
New Finnish version: Nordic Editors and Translators ry on yhdistys, jonka jäseniä ovat kielentarkistajat, kääntäjät ja kieliammattilaiset, joiden yksi työkieli on englanti kielisuunnasta riippumatta.
- In accordance with b. above, to amend the wording of the English translation of point 2 of the NEaT constitution https://nordicedit.fi/?page_id=134 to replace add “who have English as one of their working languages.”
- Purpose, and nature of operations
Current wording:
The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and advance the collaboration, training and professional development of editors, translators and other language professionals.
New wording:
The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and advance the collaboration, training and professional development of editors, translators and other language professionals who have English as one of their working languages.
New Finnish version: Yhdistyksen tarkoituksena on perustaa ammattilaisverkosto kielentarkistajille, kääntäjille ja muille kieliammattilaisille, joiden yhtenä työkielenä on englanti, jatkokoulutusta ja työssä kehittymistä sekä ammatillisten standardien vakiinnuttamista varten ja ylläpitää tätä verkostoa.