“What you mean is what you get” – an introductory primer to the LaTeX document creation system
This will be a brief introduction to the plaintext document preparation system, LaTeX: its history, applications, and strengths, and the challenges it presents. NEaT member Kenneth Queck will explain how LaTeX works and why it is popular among mathematicians, statisticians and other writers who deal with equations, but also why it can be useful for anyone who just wants to compose and format text efficiently and precisely. He will therefore also branch out into associated systems and platforms, covering mark-up languages such as Markdown and BBcode, editing programs (LyX, TeXMaker) and the online editor/content management system, Overleaf. He will emphasise user-friendly options that provide easy entry points to the fascinating world of writing and editing in LaTeX.
This talk will hopefully inspire participants to broaden their skills and expand their reach by learning more about LaTeX and its digital ecosystem.
Kenneth Quek is a freelance academic revisor for the University of Helsinki who provides revision services natively in LaTeX.
The presentation is for NEaT members only. Please register by senfing an email to info@nordicedit.fi . The platform will be Google Meet and participants will be sent the link closer to the time.