Negotiating, charging and selling translation and editing services

Come and listen to a panel discussion between Vanessa Fuller (Revisor and Instructor in Finland) and David Ordoubadian (Translator in Sweden).

Thursday, 30.11.23 @ 16-17.30 Finnish time

Now’s your chance to hear two experienced language professionals talk about the secrets to their success!

Want to know how they decide what to charge a client? How they negotiate rates and ensure good quality translations and edits? Why they don’t have to market their services too much? What they do when they realize they’ve quoted far too little for a difficult job?

Interested? Then come and join in! Sign up at


Vanessa Fuller, a University Instructor and English-language revisor at the University of Helsinki, tweaks texts. For the past 20+ years, first in Moscow and later in Holland and Helsinki, she has worked as an in-house and freelance style editor and publications manager, in both the public and private sectors, and obsessively encourages and gently assists clients and mentees to communicate their science in more audience friendly and creative ways. 

David Ordoubadian runs his own translation agency in Sweden. Started  in 1997, his agency is small but is able to compete with the big agencies in public procurements and has developed a few specialties where it can compete. David is a translator, editor, instructor in academic writing and works with issues relevant for the translation industry.
