Conditions of Membership and the Process of Becoming a Member

The Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT) association would like its membership process to be fair, clear and beneficial to the organization. NEaT is an organization supporting professional translators and editors in their work through training and networking. We are not an education institution seeking to train future professionals.

The process is defined below. We have a full membership category, and the category of a trial membership.

The requirement for full membership is three years of experience working as a language professional. This can be demonstrated by listing the jobs held or describing the services performed during that period. The membership application has a place to record this information.

This membership requirement can be bypassed by a personal reference from a member.

The membership fee must be paid before the board will consider the membership application.

After applying, the individual is a prospective member until the next board meeting, when prospective members are accepted by a vote of the board, which can take individual circumstances into consideration. 

The membership period is until the end of the year after the first year of membership and yearly thereafter.

The trial membership is for students and for those new to working with languages. You can apply by checking the appropriate box on the membership application. This membership gives you access to our mentoring program, networking and courses, but you will not be a voting member or have access to our job-sharing resources.

This membership category is to enable younger and interested language professionals to join at a lower membership fee. Trial members will be able to join as full members if they are active in learning about the field and after three years of working as a language professional.

For any questions about your membership or for help with your membership application, you may contact the membership secretary at