Negotiating, charging and selling translation and editing services

Come and listen to a panel discussion between Vanessa Fuller (Revisor and Instructor in Finland) and David Ordoubadian (Translator in Sweden). Thursday, 30.11.23 @ 16-17.30 Finnish time Now’s your chance to hear two experienced language professionals talk about the secrets to their success! Want to know how they decide what to charge a client? How …

Workshop on Translating and Editing Gender

Tuesday, 21 March at 17.00-19.00 at the University of Helsinki, Kielikeskus, room 205, Fabianinkatu 26, Helsinki How can we navigate gendered language while translating? How can we edit a text to make it more gender-inclusive? Come find out about the theory and practice of gender in language with us! Translator Anna Merikallio and editor Meri …

From the ivory tower?

News from the KäTu Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies, 20–22 May 2021 Some are sceptical about how relevant academic translation studies can be for the world of work. Isn’t it too theoretical to be useful? Isn’t it too postmodern to be practical? Shouldn’t translation students spend more of their time learning how to run …